Recognizing the Dreaded Transmission Failure Symptoms
Most people take the proper functioning of their cars for granted. Yet, in the inevitable instance when something appears to be malfunctioning, determining the source and seriousness of the problem will be foremost on your mind. Transmission failure symptoms are hardly unique from other car problems, but can be easily determined by automotive professionals. The trick is to notice the symptoms quickly enough to book an appointment with your mechanic, so you can sidestep any extensive and costly repairs. So if your car is making strange noises, releasing a burning smell, is taking too long to shift gears, is slipping out of gear, or is leaking more fluids than an old cat, you’ll want to have your transmission checked immediately.
Know Your Transmission Failure Symptoms
Although any one of the following issues can be evidence of another kind of automotive problem, if they develop closely together or increase in intensity, it’s best to visit your mechanic to rule out transmission failure.
Slipping Out of Gear
Slipping out of gear is when your transmission fails to interact with or switches gears while you are driving. This is especially dangerous if you find yourself in heavy traffic or traveling at high speeds on the highway. A significant transmission failure symptom like this is detectable by an inability to accelerate properly or a significant revving sound with no corresponding increase in vehicle speed.
Delayed Engagement
If you are shifting gears on your car and notice a discernible lag in its reaction time you may be experiencing a condition called delayed engagement. This common transmission failure symptom can also be an indicator of other issues, so it’s best to have it diagnosed by a professional as soon as possible.
Leaking Fluid
A top transmission failure symptom, leaking fluid (that isn’t, of course, water from your AC) should be investigated as soon as you notice a puddle gathering under your car. Cooling, cleaning, and lubricating your transmission is essential to its efficient and proper functioning, and without a delicate balance of transmission fluid, you will quickly begin to develop serious automotive issues.
Burning Smell
Unless you’ve just finished a drag race at top speed, a burning smell from your car isn’t a normal occurrence. As a matter of fact, it could be an indicator of low or burning transmission fluid, which in turn could overheat your mechanisms and cause unnecessary damage. If an unusual burning smell is beginning to waft from your car, take it to the mechanic, pronto.
Odd Sounds
To be honest, a vehicle emanating an odd sound isn’t that strange of an occurrence, unless it’s happening in concert with one or more of the aforementioned conditions, or if it’s a truly bizarre sound. If you hear a buzzing, whining, or grinding noise when you shift gears, that’s a good indication you may have a transmission issue.
Maintenance and Proaction
Of course, keeping a well-maintained transmission (by checking and changing transmission fluid, replacing the transmission filter, and making periodic checks for any leaks) will go a long way to avoiding surprise damages and costly repairs.
Also, acting fast on any transmission failure symptoms is essential to maintaining the health of both your automobile and your bank account. If you experience any of the aforementioned issues, it’s good practice to get it checked out sooner rather than later!
For more information on transmission failure symptoms or for any other automobile health-related enquiries, contact Kenny U-Pull.